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Book the best physical therapists near me

  • Use insurance, Medicare, or cash
  • Get appointments in 24 hours
  • No prescription needed

Care covered by insurance

United Healthcare
Kaiser Permanente
A physical therapist assisting a person

I'm looking for someone who can help with:

A physical therapist assisting a person

Performance Athletics

Play golf on the weekends? Or are you a professional triathlon athlete? Either way, we have sports specialists who have years of experience playing your sport or have served other athletes at the highest levels.

A physical therapist assisting a person

Chronic Pain

Alleviate chronic pain with personalized therapy options. Many of our therapists can help you through long-term pain management and recovery with a variety of manual and guided methods.

A physical therapist assisting a person

Injury Recovery

We know getting back on your feet can be a difficult task. Accelerate your injury recovery with specialists who understand your rehab requirements so you can get back to doing what you love.

A physical therapist assisting a person

Overall Fitness

Just looking to stay fit? Our therapists can help you grow and maintain your overall wellness with plans designed for your busy lifestyle.

Workout Illustration

How it works

  1. Filter based off what you need

    Share your preferences and we’ll filter through our vetted network of therapists in your area.

  2. Find the right fit

    Once you see who's available, check out even more details like if they offer 1-on-1 sessions or free consultations.

  3. Book your session

    Request to book right on Kips and we'll handle the rest. You won't be billed until after you meet with your provider.

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